Thursday, 6 October 2011

The return of Farmer Becky?

Since discovering that I would be spending the next 6 months working in Spain I’ve had several requests from friends and family, who read my “Farmer Becky” emails while I was WWOOFing in France, for me to write for them about my experiences in Spain and beyond. I felt that writing an email each week until the end of time would be a little intrusive into everyone’s lives, and that as I settle down into a job, I might well not have enough exciting and relevant things to say every seven days. I felt equally uncomfortable at the alternative suggestion, however, which was to set up a blog about my introduction into the world of work. There are too many ethical issues. In a blog about work, if I took due care not to identify the company and its practices, and not be able to identify co-workers, then there would be very little left to say. It’s dangerous territory, and I don’t want to go there.

And yet I want to write. I loved writing my newsletters in France, people seemed to enjoy reading them, and if there’s any chance I might want to write even semi-professionally in the future (which there is), then I would be foolish to pass up on the excitement of my itinerant lifestyle! This is why I’m resurrecting my old blog, with only the faintest glimmer of a blush that what I wrote previously, believing nobody I knew to be reading it, will now be on view to everybody.

I’m not promising that you’ll learn very much about the ins and outs of the fresh produce industry. I’m not promising you insights into the dynamics of my office-to-be. I don't promise to change the style of my blog thus far - so if you're not a fan of philosophising or indulging in Nigella Lawsonesque fits of sentimentality and describing to excess, just ignore those parts! I do promise, however, to try to keep up with frequent, interesting posts about my life. Previously nobody knew I had started blogging – I did it for my own pleasure and to document my final days in Germany – so when I came home from my Year Abroad and lost the habit of writing frequent posts, there was nobody to nudge me. Cue a year’s hiatus from the blogosphere, which is rather a shame, because my final year of university would have been fun to put into words. But now I’m back, and ready to spew my musings once again into the ether of the internet. This time, if I get slack and stop writing, with any luck somebody will nudge me back in the direction of a keyboard. I hope you read my posts, once in a while, and I hope you enjoy them.

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